What should I look for in hiring an attorney to represent me in my Florida auto accident case?

There's a lot of things that you should look for. Some may seem obvious to you such as, do they have experience in bringing these cases, do they have time that they've spent not only speaking to clients, but speaking to insurance adjusters and knowing the ins and the outs and what to do. But also on a more human level, is this a person that you can talk to. Would you feel reluctant to call a person on a phone? Are they nice to you? Do they answer all of your questions? Do they spend the kind of time with you that you want spent with you, this is your case. It's your only case hopefully, whereas attorneys have cases all the time. Not only should you look for the experienced, for the education, for the training that this lawyer has, whether they go to court, whether they actually try these cases. But also see if you connect on with them more personal level.

Tiffany Doner

Web Design & Development with added strategy to build a business that converts website visitors to customers.


The car accident was the other driver's fault Can I just settle it myself without an attorney?


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