When should I get treatment after a car accident?

You should get treatment as soon as you know that you feel pain, as soon as you feel you are injured, the minute that you start feeling sore, that's when you should start getting treatment after a car accident. Here in Florida, you have 14 days to get treatment under your no fault personal inter-protection insurance. If you're at the 10th, 11th, 12th day and you think, "Well, maybe it'll get better, I'll just wait." Don't wait. You need to really get treatment within that 14 day window, in order for your insurance to cover these bills.

However, if you're not feeling any pain for these 14 days, then you wouldn't want to go get checked out, unless you feel that it was a serious enough car accident and you want to get checked out just to be sure. But if you're not feeling any pain, there's no reason to go to the doctor. But if you're on the border and you're not really sure, and you think you're just going to wait a couple of days, I would urge you to see a doctor within that 14 day window.

Tiffany Doner

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