Will I have to pay back my health insurance provider if I recover damages in a Florida auto?

Actually, the answer is yes. Many people are very surprised to find out that they are required to pay back their health insurance company for what the health insurance company has paid in an auto accident case, and it can get can get a little complicated how health insurance interacts with what's called personal injury protection or PIP insurance.

We don't have a lot of time here today to go into those ins and outs, but what is important to realize with those health insurance leans. Number one, that the attorney is experienced and educated enough to know that that has to be done, that health insurance has to be placed on notice.

But it is also important for the attorney to make sure that everything the health insurance company is saying needs to be paid back is legitimate, because sometimes they will include things unrelated to your car accident, such as if you have diabetes or some other condition, they may lump all of your health insurance charges for that time period of your accident. You need a lawyer who will sit down, who will go through item by item, make sure they're all related to the car accident and then knows how to talk to the health insurance company to see if maybe they can reduce that lean down, so that the client can maximize their recovery.

Tiffany Doner

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